Index by: Universities

List of articles:

Page Number

RSU International Research Conference 2019

Discussing Current Situation of the Development of Chinese Major in Vietnamese Universities in the Context of “One belt, One Road”

Vu Thanh Huong and Chu Ngoc Anh


RSU International Research Conference 2020

Student Satisfaction towards Employment Services in Colleges and Universities:A Case study of Tongren University

Shijia Liao


RSU International Research Conference 2022 on Social Science and Humanities, Education, and Management

An Assessment of the Digitalization at the College and University Level: An Input to The Strategic Performance Management Program (SPMP)

Franco Altamia Quodala and Rowena Gonzaga Dela Cruz

18 - 29

RSU International Research Conference 2022 on Social Science and Humanities, Education, and Management

Exploring Students’ Perspectives on Online Learning in English Class: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students from Asian Countries

Nazifah Hamidun


RSU International Research Conference 2024 on Social Science and Humanities, Education, and Management

Meeting the needs of new types of language learners in universities : The case of French-Thai families in Thailand

Frédéric Moronval
