Index by: Biofilm

List of articles:

Page Number

RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Science and Technology

The Effect of Light Emitting Diode Toothbrush on Streptococcus mutans Biofilm In Vitro

Chavirakarn Manphibool, Oranart Matangkasombut, and Pintu-on Chantarawaratit


RSU International Research Conference 2023 on Science and Technology

Antibiofilm Activities Of The Self-Prepared Silver Solution Against Streptococcus Mutans Biofilm: In Vitro

Suthara Asanahsark, Praphasri Rirattanapong, and Nisarat Ruangsawasdi

205 - 212

RSU International Research Conference 2024 on Science and Technology

Comparative Analysis an in Vitro Investigation of Subgingival Biofilm Response to Titanium and Polyetheretherketone Healing Abutment

Suphachai Suphangul and Pisaisit Chaijareenont