Index by: Sasiphattra Siriwato

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Page Number

RSU International Research Conference 2020

The Role of NGOS in Promoting The Right to Education of Child Laborers in Mandalay, Myanmar: A Case Study of MYME Project

Kay Khaing Win and Sasiphattra Siriwato


RSU International Research Conference 2022 on Social Science and Humanities, Education, and Management

The Progress and Challenges of Higher Education in Myanmar

Pann Ei Phyu and Sasiphattra Siriwato

50 - 64

RSU International Research Conference 2022 on Social Science and Humanities, Education, and Management

Examining the Peace Process in Myanmar: A Case Study of Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) Related to the 2021 Military Coup

Abrahan - and Sasiphattra Siriwato

339 - 356