Index by: campaign

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Page Number

RSU International Research Conference 2017

Communication Process of Alcohol Consumption Fostering vs. Opposing around Walailak University

Chawaporn Dhamanitayakul


RSU International Research Conference 2019

Exploring the Effectiveness of FIT Malaysia Campaign on Social Media from the Perspective of the Policy Makers

Suffian Hadi Ayub, Azizul Halim Yahya, Mohammed Rezal Hamzah, Massila Hamzah, and


RSU National Research Conference 2020


ณัฐชนน ชลวัฒนาธนากร, สุวิทย์ รัตนานันท์, และ Sridhar Ryalie


RSU International Research Conference 2023 on Social Science and Humanities, Education, and Management

Digital Media Users’ News Exposure, Knowledge, Understanding, Empathy and Willingness to Support Stateless Children in Thailand

Chawaporn Dhamanitayakul and Narakorn Amornchat

421 - 429