Index by: Transformational Leadership

List of articles:

Page Number

RSU International Research Conference 2018

Leadership in Bhutan: Gross National Happiness (GNH) and Human Values

Karma Wangchuk


RSU International Research Conference 2018

Relationship Between Principals' Transformational Leadership And Teacher Motivation In Central Schools Of Zhemgang District, Bhutan

Dawa Drakpa


RSU International Research Conference 2019

The Relationship between the Teachers’ Transformational Leadership as Perceived by Students and the Students’ Engagement in Alternative Schools, Bangkok Metropolis

Kittiphan Lappayanant and Patreeya Kitcharoen


RSU International Research Conference 2019

Effects of Work-Life Quality as a Mediated Factor between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Employees in a Financial Bank in Thonburi Branch

Pharin Thanonthaweekul, Jiriya Jaikra, and Thanyanan Boonyoo


RSU International Research Conference 2023 on Social Science and Humanities, Education, and Management

A Study of The Transformational Leadership Effect on Employee Work Engagement, Mediating Effect of Followership


275 - 280