Index by: Creativity

List of articles:

Page Number

RSU International Research Conference 2017

A Very Large Distance: Creative Processes in Practice

Prinda Setabundhu


RSU International Research Conference 2020

Tools for Ideas: Making Conceptual Information More Tangible

Ornicha Chayaratanasin, Suwit Rattananan , and David Marc Schafer


RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Social Science and Humanity, Education, Management, and Arts

Logical Thinking Tools for Better Communication In Young Children

Watanya Saetan, Paijit Ingsiriwat, and Teeranop Wangsillapakun


RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Social Science and Humanity, Education, Management, and Arts

Perception of food: Effect of plating on appetite & enhanced experience of eating

Jiajia Ma, Pakorn Prohmvitak, and Sridhar Ryalie
