Index by: Pakorn Prohmvitak

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RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Social Science and Humanity, Education, Management, and Arts

A moment of respite: finding opportunities to help the workforce recent and readjust the mood

Liu Qing, Pakorn Prohmvitak, and David Marc Schafer


RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Social Science and Humanity, Education, Management, and Arts

The Architecture Design for Stray dogs

Jakkapong Pharapai, Pakorn Prohmvitak, and Sridhar Ryalie


RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Social Science and Humanity, Education, Management, and Arts

Perception of food: Effect of plating on appetite & enhanced experience of eating

Jiajia Ma, Pakorn Prohmvitak, and Sridhar Ryalie


RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Social Science and Humanity, Education, Management, and Arts

Fostering Connections: Solutions for Bridging Gaps in Modern Digital Families

Yifei Zan, Pakorn Prohmvitak, and David Marc Schafer
