Index by: Atiphan Pimkhaokham

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RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Science and Technology

Effects of Operator’s Experience on the Accuracy of Single Implant Position with Computer-Guided Surgery: A pilot study

Arissa Amnuaychottawe and Atiphan Pimkhaokham


RSU International Research Conference 2021 on Science and Technology

The Effect of Variable Rest Period Training Programs on The Motor Skill Acquisition of Dynamic Navigation System: Pilot study

Wirawat Kunakornsawat and Atiphan Pimkhaokham


RSU International Research Conference 2023 on Science and Technology

Comparing The Accuracy Of Implant Placement Between Using Sleeve-In-Sleeve And Sleeve-On-Drill Drilling Systems: An Experimental Study

Papon Pattanasirikun and Atiphan Pimkhaokham

302 - 309