The 9th RSU International Research Conference 2024 @RANGSIT UNIVERSITY, THAILAND
Friday, 26 April 2024 (8.30 am. - 4.30 pm.) THEME: "Leading Research and Innovation After Disruption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology"
The 9th RSU International Research Conference on Sciences and Technology 2024 (RSUSCI-2024)
The 9th RSU International Research Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Management and Arts 2024 (RSUSOC-2024)
  RSUSCI-2023 and RSUSOC-2023 are now accepting your original manuscripts scoped on the following topics through the online system process. At least one author must register for the conference at 
Two types of manuscripts could be published in the conference proceedings:
  • up to 250 words  (Download Template : Abstract template )
  • Compose of all important sections; rationale, objectives, methods, results and conclusion of the research.
  • No figures or tables are allowed in the Abstract 
 ​Full papers
  • Limited to 10 pages including Tables, Figures and references.
  • The author must download template and completly follow the instructions. (download template: Full paper : Research paper  /  Academic paper )
  • All citations must be corresponded to the reference lists and all references must be appeared in the context in correct cited format.
  • Please carefully check for correct English grammar.
  • All in-text citation must correspond with the references listed in the reference section. All Refereences must be appeared in the context with the corrected formated. 
  • Figures must be clearly with high quality. (Don't draw the Figures in MS word using text-book) and must be drawn in .jpg or .png  
  • All Figures and Tables must be mentioned and described in the context. You cannot just putting the Figures and Tables without describing. 
  • References are formatted in APA.
  • Oral presentation at Rangsit University 
  • No Poster presentation 
  • Certificate is just for the presenter. 
1) All documents must be writen in English.  
2) The Chinese manuscripts are acceptable in a session for China Studies only.
3) France and Korea manuscripts can be joined in Liberal art session only.

Download template: Full paper : Research paper  /  Academic paper 
Download template: Abstract :  Abstract template 
  • Full manuscript will be evaluated by double blind the Scientific Committee Members. 
  • See steps 
       1) Turnitin Checking
          2-3 days
       2) Preliminary Determination by Editorial team
         2-3 days
       Results :
       2.1) Format correction and re-upload by the authors
       2.2) pass to review process
       2.3) Rejected
       3) First payment (3,000 Baht / 80 USD) :
           ***** No refund *******
        If pass (2.2) 
       Start from this point,
       the authors should be notified the results of the Review process
       4) Double blind Review Process
       2-3 weeks
       5) Notification to the author
        (corresponding's email or registered email)
     5.1 Complete Accepted
     5.2 Accepted with Minor revision (Attached reviewers's comments)
     5.3 Major revision and require re-evaluation by the reviewers
          (Not accpeted yet)
     5.4 Rejected 
      6) Second payment to complete the
          registration fee (3,000 - 3,500 Bath /
          80 - 100 USD)
       Due date 3 days  
       7) Checking the revised version  
       By queue
       8) English grammar Proofreading
       1-2 weeks
       No more payment
      9) The authors checks the camera-ready version 
       Upload to the author's account
      10) Run the page number after
           completing the presentation 
       Published in The Proceeding of RSU conference 
       (Archived at:
       Within 10 days after conference day
Only papers presented at the conference will be eligible for publication.
1) The proceedings will be published under an ISSN number
​2) Selected papers will be forwarded to the RSU Journal (Under permission of the authors)
4) Copyright form must be uploaded to the author's account.

Please follow the instructions and examples of manuscript preparation and download the template here
Guide for Author
Download Template (Choose yours)
Registration and submission
Participant Registration