RSUSCI-2022 & RSUSOC-2022

IN22-012 Multimodal Feedback: A Real Challenge in EFL Writing Pedagogy

Presenter: Watcharee Kulprasit
Department of Western Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thaksin University


In the twenty-first century when technology is the mainstream in people’s life, multimedia including social media, digital platforms and tools, and multimodal tasks or projects are embraced in education at different levels. In light of the ongoing global epidemic of COVID-19, their contributions are even more vital, especially in the academic realm. Particularly, the conventional instruction in writing pedagogy has been shifted to be the technology-driven one in which both the writing process and writing products are still focused on the online platforms. Therefore, the emergence of technology inevitably affects every step in the writing process, specifically the feedback process. Nowadays, multimodal feedback is the breakthrough in the feedback process where the technological leverage is adopted as a supportive learning tool for developing students’ writing competency either to additionally support the traditional one or to compensate for its drawbacks. Nevertheless, what works in a particular context can probably be regarded as a challenge in the other. In the present article, thus, multimodal feedback is under discussion for the practical and effective pedagogical implications when it is applied in the EFL writing pedagogy

Citation format:

Kulprasit, W.. (2022). Multimodal Feedback: A Real Challenge in EFL Writing Pedagogy. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, April 30, 2022. Pathum Thani, Thailand.