IN20-272 A Framework of Supply Chain Management for Cross-border Reproductive Care in Thailand: Case Study Chinese Patients

Presenter: Yidan Zhang
Naresuan university, Thailand


           Cross-border reproductive care (CBRC) is a growing international phenomenon. Since the Chinese government introduced a universal two-child policy in 2016 to encourage fertility, the number of patients who looking for  assisted reproductive treatment abroad, especially to Thailand, is growing rapidly. The purpose of this research is to explore the supply chain management for CBRC in Thailand by using case study Chinese patients, identify problems in management, and design an efficient supply chain by restructuring the supply chain. In order to examine the patients’ experience that can be better understood the diverse processes involved in reproductive travel. Consequently, the treatment-experienced, motivation and satisfaction of Chinese patients have been explored by using an online questionnaire. In this research, the Chinese patients who used to treat in Thailand have been selected. The results show that participants are more inclined to seek non-medical services provided by professional agency, and higher success rate in Thailand, good medical technology and services in Thailand, sex or trait selection, the long treatment waiting list in own country, and privacy—not wanting others to know about treatment are the primary motivation for Chinese patient to look for reproductive treatment in Thailand. Moreover, Thailand's treatment experience meets patients' treatment needs and overall expectations.

Keywords: Cross-border reproductive care, reproductive travel, reproductive care, assisted reproductive travel

Citation format:

Zhang, Y., Ponanan, K., & Panichakarn, B.. (2020). A Framework of Supply Chain Management for Cross-border Reproductive Care in Thailand: Case Study Chinese Patients. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.


สุมามาลย์ ปานคำ (Participant)

This research is very interesting and strange for me. Satisfaction of Chinese patients What level is it in which matter the most?

Yidan Zhang (Presenter)

Thank you for your interest and question.

The contents of the satisfaction survey of Chinese patients in this paper are focused on clinical care service in Thailand by using attitudinal Likert scales(1= strongly agree to 5 = strongly disagree). The results of the survey show that more than 50% of participants choose to strongly agree and most of the rest choose to agree. More details can see in my paper.

ผศ.ดร. นพปฎล ธาระวานิช (Chairperson)

Did Chinese patients trust Thai medical treatment? Why do they choose Thai to be the place for their remedy?

Yidan Zhang (Presenter)

Thank you for your question.

Yes, Chinese patients trust Thai medical treatment. Thai medical services are world-renowned, because of its outstanding medical foundation that
includes premium medical services, qualified healthcare specialists, and various internationally accredited medical facilities. Furthermore, the results of the satisfaction of Chinese patients in my study confirmed this question.

The reasons or the motivations for Chinese patients choose Thai to be the place for their remedy are higher success rate in Thai, good medical technology and services in Thailand, sex or trait selection, the long treatment waiting list in own country, and privacy—not wanting others to know about treatment.