Cannabis Extracts "Work for Cancer"
Asst. Prof. Dr. Surang Leelawat
College of Pharmacy Rangsit University
Plenary Speaker

I am Chatchai Trakulrungsi from Rangsit University.
I would like to ask the Plenary Lecturer these questions:
Has your product been tested clinically? How long will it be legally available for patients?
Thank you.
@1 May 20, 09:55 AM
Vorachai Sirikulchayanonta, MD. ( Visitor )
Thank you very much for your excellent presentation. I enjoy very much as well as taking care of COVId-19 for myself and family. Just for my curosity; in one of your presentation slides, when you recognized metastatic tumor cells in cell culture by determining the loss of contact inhibition and presence of actin polymerization as demonstrated by immunostain in the process so-called " epithelium-mesenchymal transformation". I have two questions. 1) Is it possible that the findings merely show dediffentiated into higher grade of tumor cells but can not readily said that it will metastasize. 2) As in my experience of pathology practice in clinical point of view, I have never or rarely seen metatatic carcinomas possess mesenchymal feature except in cases of carcinoma sarcoma, mesothelioma and synovial sarcoma which share mesenchymal property from the beginning. To my knowledge, cholangiocarcinoma is purely epithelial tumor but it may have supportive myoepithelial cells surround the glandular structure. Is it possible that cells are the myoepithelial cells and may not indicate metastatic potential.
@1 May 20, 03:34 PM