IN20-224 Microorganisms in sato production
Presenter: Yupakanit Puangwerakul
Rangsit University, Thailand
The Thai traditional fermented rice wine is one of the most antique methods of food preservation, comprises various foods fermented with the non-pathogenic microorganisms. Loog-pang, mixculture of fungi and bacteria, was used for sato production in conventional method. Recently, the development of red sato production using ang-kak red rice koji had studied. It was found that loog pang and ang-kak red rice koji contained an abundant amount of bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria had significant effected on quality of red sato. This mixed consortium forms a powerful symbiosis capable of inhibiting the growth of potentially pathogen bacteria. The quality sato was based on each satho processing. It was found that the microbial spectrum of sato consortium varied between fermentation. However, there was a number of thermoduric species that remains in sato, which were Bacillus spp. and Lactobacillus spp. The phylogenetic classification showed that sato from ang-kak red rice koji had biodiversity of bacterial strains less than sato from loog- pang. Bacillus siamensis was only found in sato sample from ang-kak red rice koji. Bacillus subtilis, B. velesensis, B. fermentum and Lactobacillus harbinensis were only found in sato sample from loog-pang while Bacillus amyloliquifacien and Lactobacillus paracasei were found in both sample of sato. The efficiency of fermentation followed by fermentation parameters; Brix, alcohol and pH. These values of sato from ang-kak red rice koji and sato from loog-pang were not significantly different, which indicated that the metabolic pathway occurred in the same way. The final sato products had 8.5-9.2 ºBrix, 9 %alcohol and a pH between 3.7-3.8. It was found that sato from ang-kak red rice koji had all fermentation metabolites (except alcohol content) less than sato from loog-pang. However, all volatile compounds in both sato were met the standard requirement of TISI 2089-2544.
Citation format:
Puangwerakul, Y., & Soitongsuk, S.. (2020). Microorganisms in sato production. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS