IN20-273 Attitude and behaviour towards copyright violations by Rangsit University undergraduate students
Presenter: Priewpet Wongchun
Rangsit University, Thailand
This report shows student behavior regarding piracy and analyzes the causes of occurrences. Including demonstrating the knowledge and understanding of students about copyright. The objectives of this research are consisting of: 1. To measure understanding and knowledge about copyright and plagiarism of undergraduate students. 2. To assess the possibility that students will violate copyright without understanding. 3. To find the cause of unknowingly piracy of students. 4. To find ways to create copyright understanding for students. Research methods are based on quantitative research methods. By having students take a questionnaire, the questions are divided into 2 parts, the first part is the question of basic understanding about copyright. The second part will be a question with situations and an answer to what students think. There will be answers to choose from in both sections. The questionnaire distributed both online and offline to 312 students at Rangsit University. The results of the data analysis revealed that the ratio of students is quite suitable for the duration of the research. The report shows that students at Rangsit University used to have copyright infringement both intentionally and unintentionally. The group of students who deliberately violated copyright is caused by three things: first, students think that piracy such as copying other people's work from the internet to send to teachers is not a mistake at all. Since it's just an assignment to collect points only. Second is that they are afraid that if their work is not achieved, they will get a low score. Therefore, make them copy the better work from others to send to the teachers to get a better score. The third reason is that copyright laws in Thailand are not very violent. People are not quite interested in observing the law. For the group of students who have unintentionally violate copyright, it is because they don't have enough understanding about copyright so they don't know what they are doing is wrong. recommendation discussed is a serious punishment for copyright infringement for students to let them know that plagiarism is wrong and, if done, will have serious consequences. The report also investigates the fact that the analysis conducted has limitations. Some of the limitations include: Since this research has a relatively small time to process, therefore we do not have research in a larger group of students. The number of people we have analyzed with this research is quite appropriate for the duration of the process that we have. If the imitations of research time can be expanded, it may be possible to receive more clear research results
Citation format:
Wongchun, P., & Bruce, W.. (2020). Attitude and behaviour towards copyright violations by Rangsit University undergraduate students. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Your research is very interesting. But, will your study contribute to the student's good attitude and behavior? and how can it affect the students? if possible, what are your future research suggestions? thank you.

According to your research objectives, what are the other ways to create copyright understanding for students in Rangsit University? Please specify more details. Thank you.

The scope of the topics in this research is quite wide. Since it is a study of people's attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, there may be many factors relating to human attitudes and behaviors that may be further researched in the future. If asked whether our study will affect the behavior and attitude of the students well or not. We have to identify first what the good students are. For example Students who behave well, attend class every time, but if there is a need to violate copyright or copy the work of others, whether intentionally or unintentionally, can be counted as a good student or not. Of course, this research will affect students in terms of thoughts or feelings. To show that what they are doing that the teacher or others can know. Which may make them aware of these actions or, in the best sense, cause them to change themselves.
In this research, we hope to help increase knowledge and understanding for students. Because the research shows that most students don't have much understanding in this field.

Research has shown that most students still have a low understanding of these things. In my opinion, it is necessary to create an understanding for them. By teaching this seriously in the curriculum. The research also shows that students are not very interested in this subject. Because some groups that do not study in this field may think that this is not necessary because it may not correspond with the profession that is currently studying. But I believe that everyone may have interesting ideas at all times. Therefore, we should let them understand these things. When they invent something, They will learn to protect the rights to their work and to respect the work of others without copying or using it without permission.