IN20-277 The Attitudes of Loyal Fans Towards Y Drama Series Performer
Presenter: Boonnapa Potisawang
Rangsit University, Thailand
The purpose of this research is to investigate factors which are able to drive the market growth of the Y performers by understanding the attitudes of the loyal fans toward the Y series performers. The attitudes and perspectives can be used to imply and identify the trends and consumer needs in the market. In order to accomplish the objectives, the research is conducted through collecting primary data by observation and the interview questionnaires handing to the group of 24 fans in total. This research is a qualitative research using consumer behaviors as an analytical framework and related published research papers to explore and clarify the results. The findings show that the loyal fans do not have much different attitudes toward the performers because the results are going in similar directions where they are giving interests in the looks of the performers followed by personalities and skills of acting. Most of the loyal fans have the same influence factors, perception, and motivations of which leads them to buying decisions. The shared values (e.g. the impression in the performers from both direct and indirect experiences) that created among the group hence become one of the significant elements to drive the market growth, keeping and expanding consumer bases. The trends of Y performers market are forecasted to go within the predicted direction, although the result has not yet specified the clear image of the Y performers who absolutely meet the consumer needs.
Citation format:
Potisawang, B., Bhovichitra, P., & Chunsuparerk, J.. (2020). The Attitudes of Loyal Fans Towards Y Drama Series Performer. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Is there any other research that is similar to this research? And how the knowledge gained from this research can be really applied, for example
There is a research that containing similar information but it focuses on a different group of interviewees. The knowledge from this research can be applied to the entertainment industry especially the casting team in order to cast the Y performers to meet the consumer needs because it is very complicated to pick up a person who fit the written character in the existing Y novels. Since it is certainly different on character on each story, the entertainment industry needs to find the person who is fit. And this research can specifically tell the consumers' preference and expectation on the performers, creating a further developement and income to the Y series production in industry.

1. Please identify the definition of "Y Performers" and "Loyal Fans" in your research.
2. Who are your key informants? Are they in the age of Y Generation as well?
Thank you.
1. Y performers are the performers who play Boylove Series, and Loyal Fans are those who have attended the fan meeting events of the performers.
2. The key informant are those interviewees whose pick of as a purposive sampling. Some of them are in Y generation and others are in GenZ