IN20-205 Homosexuality in the films “My Own Private Idaho” (1991) and “Call Me by Your Name” (2017) from the Queer Theory Perspective
Presenter: Akkasit Kathapant
Chiang Mai University, Thailand
This study aims to identify the linguistic characteristics of Thai-English code-mixing on Instagram by Thai users using qualitative research data collected from the captions and comments of 40 Thai users on the Instagram social media platform. To examine the linguistic characteristics, a linguistic analysis was applied. The study has discovered five distinct linguistic characteristics of Thai and English code-mixing; (1) lexical insertion, (2) word translation, (3) word repetition, (4) specialized features, and (5) switching to the Net culture. In addition, Thai and English code-mixing is used to express emotions and feelings while revealing Thai social and bilingual identities. Overall, this study makes a contribution to the rapidly growing area of computer-mediated discourse analysis with implications for better understanding of language exchange in online community, bilingualism and innovative research methods in applied linguistics.
Citation format:
Kathapant, A., & Saraithong, W.. (2020). Homosexuality in the films “My Own Private Idaho” (1991) and “Call Me by Your Name” (2017) from the Queer Theory Perspective. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Dear Mr. Akkasit
Since you have chosen Two movies which were produced in different years, 1991 and 2017, is the representation of heterosexuality in these two movies similar or different?
Pailin Jintanawong

Hello Mr. Akkasit. I have watched your presentation and found it very interesting. I've got one question to ask you if you don't mind. Would you please kindly elaborate more on how heterosexuality has marginalized or oppressed the homosexuality in the aspect of 'location' (as you mentioned Italy and USA in the presentation). Well, thank you so much :)

Dear Miss Pailin
The representation of heterosexuality in these two films are different. In "My Own Private Idaho", heterosexuality represents the authoritative power enforcing regulation and rules because most of heterosexuals portrayed in the film are policemen, governor and fathers, while in “Call Me by Your Name”, heterosexuality is only implied to be a norm in the context without a clear statement. In other words, heterosexuality presented in “My Own Private Idaho” represents the idea of what is right and that in “Call Me by Your Name” represents what is possibly right.

Dear Mr. Witsanuphong
The aspect of location between Italy and USA is depicted from the film “Call Me by Your Name”. The male protagonist named Oliver has constructed his sexual intimacy and relationship with Elio, another male protagonist, in Italy, in which the entire film is taken place. However, Oliver has to return to USA where he eventually marries a woman and stops his homosexual practice. Therefore, the film suggests that homosexual practice and existence is only possible in a limited place for a limited time, in this case Italy, and individuals who perform, or practice will eventually be confine in the norm, which is influenced by heterosexuality.