IN20-269 Success in the Islamic Context
Presenter: Witsarut Lohwithee
Rangsit University, Thailand
The objective of this paper is to present knowledge, principles of success in the context of Islam. This paper utilizes documentary research to examine and collect data from Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadith, and the opinions of Muslim scholars. According to the research, it has a broad meaning and covers life both in this world and the hereafter. Allah (SWT- Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala which means “Glory be to God/Him”), the Lord has emphasized great real success. That is success in the hereafter. At the same time, He does not neglect the things that humans desire in the form of success in this world as well. His guidance is something that humans can use as means of achieving stable success, whether it's a short period of life in this world or long term after death. Furthermore, Islam is not just about the unseen and acts of worship. Its basic principles teach us how to be productive and proactive in life. Overall, the attributes of success that Allah (SWT) has described behaviors based on morality and diligence in virtue. The adherence of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW- Sallalahu Alayhi Wasallam which means “Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him”), these two principles cover all actions and activities of all believers. Some of the behaviors that Allah (SWT) has emphasized as a special feature of those who will succeed, are constant remembrance of God at every moment, asking forgiveness for confession or asking forgiveness from Him. Refining mind to be flawless and not being a stingy person, including the level of social responsibility, these things have a relationship. The indispensable quality of success is the duty of enjoining and helping each other in what is virtue, ready to stop from all forms of evil as well as having patience and strict prayers. It will be the result that will lead to success in life per the Islamic context.
Citation format:
Lohwithee, W.. (2020). Success in the Islamic Context. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

I want to ask for the real now situation. During this difficult peiiod, pandemic and lockdown the country, so many poor and hungry people, every religion is in the same situation. Can you extend the meaning of success to the new normal way of life? Whai is success in this situation. Thank you.

Many thanks for your kind question. I do agree with the difficult period, pandemic, lockdown all the country. How to survive this time, we should enhance more tolerance, do good deeds in the way of religious practices, and keep all actions according to medical personnel requirements. Especially, we should be generous to spread the sustenance to the poor. This is one aspect of those who have achieved success in their lives.