IN20-176 A Survey Satisfaction of Users Graduate Due to TQF Master of Arts (Teaching Science) in Academics Years 2014-2017
Presenter: Kanchana Chanprasert
Rangsit University, Thailand
The purpose of this research was to survey the satisfaction of the users graduate to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF) of Master of Arts (Teaching Science) in academics year’s 2014-2017, Rangsit University, Thailand. The thirty-three users graduate were the target sample group. The data was collected by the five rating scale questionnaires. The Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) of content validity of the questionnaires were 0.63 to 1.00 from 5 instructors responsible and 3 full time lecturers of the program. The questionnaires included six Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF): 1) Ethics and Moral 2) Knowledge and Academic ability 3) Cognitive Skills 4) Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility 5) Numerical analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills and 6) Research Skills, and they were verified by five curriculum instructors. The results of this research found that the mean and standard deviation of the overall of satisfaction of the users graduate in TQF of Master of Arts (Teaching Science) in academics year’s 2014-2017 was high level (= 4.63, SD = 0.12 ). The satisfaction was divided into 6 parts, which were Ethics and Moral (=4.81 , SD = 0.16 ), Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility (=4.70, SD = 0.05),Numerical analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills (= 4.65, SD = 0.05), Cognitive Skills (=4.59 , SD = 0.15 ), Knowledge and Academic ability (=4.56 , SD = 0.03 ) and Research Skills (=4.54 , SD = 0.43 ), respectively.
Citation format:
Chanprasert, K.. (2020). A Survey Satisfaction of Users Graduate Due to TQF Master of Arts (Teaching Science) in Academics Years 2014-2017. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

It is very good results. How can you help the student within two year with all good skills that make the usres very satisfied?

I will increase the training on subjects for helping the students within two years with all the good skills that make the users very satisfied, such as research presentations methodology, laboratory experiments practice, etc.