IN20-147 Cross sectional study of oral soft tissue lesions in kidney transplant recipients
Presenter: Charinrat Sirivichayakul
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Objectives: Kidney transplantation is currently widely accepted owing to improving quality and length of life. However, the kidney transplant recipient has to receive long-term immunosuppressive therapy in order to prevent kidney transplant rejection, it declines the immunology system. Different oral and dental problems also increase in these patients, which mostly develop as a consequence of side effects and drug interaction during immunotherapy. This study aims to determine oral soft tissue lesions and plaque index in kidney transplant recipients. Methodology: The cross-sectional study was conducted in April to October 2019. Seventy-one kidney transplant recipients were examined for oral soft tissue lesion, oral hygiene and gingival hyperplasia. Oral lesions were analyzed descriptively. Univariate and multivariate linear regression was used to assess relationship between plaque index and different variables. Result and Discussion: Oral lesions were found in 8 (11.3%) kidney transplant recipients. The most common oral lesion was oral ulcer (8.4%) followed by median rhomboid glossitis (1.4%) and fibroma (1.4%). Gingival hyperplasia was found 1.4% in the kidney transplant recipients. Multivariate linear regression revealed that plaque index was increasing by age (regression coefficient (95% confidence interval) = 0.009 (0.003-0.018); p=0.041). Conclusions: Oral lesions were found in 11.3% of kidney transplant recipients. These lesions can be related to immunosuppressive drugs, either as side effects or as a direct consequence of the patients’ immune status. Regular dental examination is necessary for early detection of oral lesion, which allows consulting in medications adjustment and stops or relieves progression of oral lesion.
Citation format:
Sirivichayakul, C., Chantarangsu, S., & Komin, O.. (2020). Cross sectional study of oral soft tissue lesions in kidney transplant recipients. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Thank you for your interesting research and nice presentation.
- Please clarify the prevalent findings of median rhomboid glossitis and fibroma in patients with renal transplants. Are they diseases or drug-related?
How different they are from their pathogenesis in general patients without transplantation or being on immunosuppressants? Could they be co-incidental findings?
- The results from regression analysis showed the association between plaque and increasing age. Which independent variables that you control for?
Thank you

For median rhomboid glossitis, it is one form of oral candidiasis, it can be result of both patient's immune status and immunosuppressive drugs. Normally it can occur when immunology lowers, as previous reports.
For fiboma, In this study , biopsy showed it was fibro epithelial polyp. it may be co-incidence, there are very few report in previous studies and no evidence that it relates to any drug.
Independent variables in regression model are gender, age, education, smoking, transplant duration, frequency of teeth cleaning, fluoride toothpaste, the last visit to dentist, BUN, creatinine, LDL, HbA1c, and Hb as displayed in table2 in my manuscript.
Thank you

Thank you for your presentation. I have a question for you as:
Please tell me what precautions you have taken during your study. Is your study have need of any ethical approval.