IN20-151 Ideological Smart Home in Ageing Society: A Case Study on The Elderly Living in Bangkok, Thailand.
Presenter: Lapaphutch Leelavilailaksana
Thammasat University, Thailand
Ageing society trend in Thailand has brought a challenging context to real estate industry in the country and it actually can be an all-or-nothing opportunity depending on how each developer conceives the topic and sees the demand in conjunction with their abilities to come up with a project that matches to what the “society” wants or needs in order to stand stably and profitably strong in the market. This research therefore represents the ideology of a smart home where supporting the elderly with safety and health, yet actually with a design that is meant for everyone in the family to live comfortably in together over time. This research assesses the significant predictor(s) of the possibility that the elderly would be likely to acquire technology for their dwellings. The analysis of the data collected from 312 sets of questionnaires on older adults living in five different areas in Bangkok, Thailand, grouped by decade. The questionnaire was dichotomized that Binary Logistic Regression was performed to assess the attitude of the elderly toward technology and the socioeconomic characteristics that cases would significantly associate with the analysis. For the analyses, P-value of <0.01 and0.05 were used. The embedded findings show predictors that actually significantly affect the attitude of the Thai elderly toward smart home technology are not actually due to the limitations of being aged as a major concern. Meanwhile, having an absolute homeownership was a strong predictor that significantly associated with the statistic results, so does the trait of having living assistants, but not living with a family that is statistically shown as in an adverse predictor. Considered the technology components in conjunction with the analysis, technology with the purpose of keeping health and safety was a significant predictor even after controlling for socioeconomic characteristics. Despite the sensory changes research in parallel to the associated technology as a home element to the extent of the environmental gerontology context, the findings from this research, however, have explanatorily shown that, at the end of the day, the elderly prefer to stay in a place even though they could be a burden to their families.
Citation format:
Leelavilailaksana, L., & Pongprasert, P.. (2020). Ideological Smart Home in Ageing Society: A Case Study on The Elderly Living in Bangkok, Thailand.. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

How much do the older people understand technology in the family to live comfortably together over time? Can you explain this point?

Dear k.สุมามาลย์
Thank you so much for your question.
While many elderly literally did not get familiar with the terms of technology and somehow not understand how it could be applicable to their livings in every day in the family, therefore this research objectives. They aimed to understand older persons' needs for living in the family as well as technologies that could support them, in parallel, to learn this point at the core. The researcher developed a tool that be capable of possess the the Elderly's best understandings (or as much as possible) on how technology could help them living with family unburdenly over time (Link: so that the data collected from the questionnaire would be at its best relevancy and definitely extractable into such valuable research outcome.
Thank you,

How should technology be used to supporting ageing in Thai community environments? What successful examples really work?

Dear k.Kewalee,
Thank you for your question.
Technology has proven to support one's life in most perspectives in the every-day living. Not only those who have limited abiilities, technology is adopted not only to ease one's life but also to support the inabilities of which, especially ageing people provided this research focus. The Government has initiatives on Thailand 4.0 Smart cities for reasons. But the example that could be seen so clear that been conveyed through this research are those technologies that support elderly's sensory changes that casues a number of limitations in living independently in their comfort environments, where in this context research is their own dwellings. The cases of usefulness from technology in supporting ageing people in Thai community were chosen to be included in the video (Link: In this video, not only technologies for dwellings that brought as examples, but also including the extent of surrounding environments of one elderly that technologies has proven to support their lives, not only independently, but safely, soundly, and comfortably.
Thank you,