IN20-129 Adult age estimation in a group of Thai population by Tooth coronal index of mandibular first molar from horizontal bitewing radiographs
Presenter: Nguyen Hung Khanh
Mahidol University, Thailand
Age estimation is the determination of an individual chronological age by using biological characteristics for both immigrant and criminal identification. Bitewing radiographs is widely used technique in dentistry. This study utilized a novel method using the tooth coronal index (TCI) as a key factor for estimating age in a group of Thai population from bitewing radiographs. The total 120 bitewing radiographs of Thai individuals (60 males and 60 females) from 20 to 60 year olds were collected. TCI was calculated by using the crown heights and the pulp chamber heights of the first mandibular molar. Pearson’s correlation coefficient represented the significant correlation between chronological age and TCI of mandibular first molars (P < 0.001). A positive correlation was presented with low strength (r=0.365).The predictive age model could not be developed from the relationship.
Citation format:
Nguyen, K., Kretapirom, K., Arayapisit, T., & ornprasertsuk-Damrongsri, S.. (2020). Adult age estimation in a group of Thai population by Tooth coronal index of mandibular first molar from horizontal bitewing radiographs. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Thank you for your presentation. Very interesting reseach. I have a few questions:
1. Compare to periapical radiographs, why do you choose bitewing radiographs for your study?
2. How can you apply your research outcome in the forensic dental practise?
thank you :)

Thank you for your presentation, I have a question for you as:
Please tell me that your study have need of approval by any ethical committee?
If your answer is yes then tell me what is procedure behind that and how you have performed it.

Dear Nantida Ruengweerayut
Thank you for your question
1. In this study, we decided to use Bitewing radiographs instead of Periapical radiographs because of the following main reasons:
In dental practice, Bitewing radiographs are more commonly used to routinely survey the posterior teeth (molar, premolar) than the Periapical radiographs.
Technically, Bitewing radiographs are focus on surveying more of coronal area than Periapical radiographs. In this study, we mainly measure measurements on crowns so Bitewing radiographs have certain advantages.
Finally, as an introductory study, we plan to conduct more research on multiple teeth, Bitewing radiographs that can help us measure multiple teeth at one time.
2. This study is the first to be done on a Bitewing radiographs. Although the results of the study are not very good, we hope that Bitewing radiographs will be new tools for age estimation in the forensic dental practice,
Thank you very much

Thank you for your question
Yes, my study was approved by Mahidol University ethical committee. Because in this study, we anonymized all the patient's information we were collecting, so I thought it was not too difficult for medical ethics. Secondly, these are all patients who have been treated in the university's hospital. We collected the data of the patients in the database so we did not directly perform the radiographic techniques in any patients.
Thank you very much
Yours Sincrely