IN20-122 App-Based Oral English Teaching and Primary Students Engagement in Classroom
Presenter: Yiqi Huang
Mahidol University, Thailand
English as an international common language occupies an important place in the Chinese education system, but the oral English teaching in Chinese basic education stage (from grade 3 to grade 6) is not fully implemented. Traditional way of oral English teaching, such as listening to audio recording and reading English dialogue, leads primary school students to negatively engage in classroom teaching, resulting in the poor success of oral English teaching. The purposes of this study were to design an App-based oral English teaching model to guide oral English teaching and to evaluate this teaching model in one Chinese primary school in Lizhou Area of Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, in order to see this new way of teaching was possible in this context. This study investigated student engagement in three aspects: behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement and emotional engagement in order to ascertain whether students actively engage in oral English class teaching guided by the proposed teaching model. The results revealed that overall the students had a positive engagement in the classroom teaching with the guidance of the App-based oral English teaching model. Hence, it can be concluded that the proposed teaching model could provide guidance for a more engaging oral English teaching, and allowed English teachers to design oral English classes with App to help improve students’ classroom engagement.
Citation format:
Huang, Y., & Longpradit, P.. (2020). App-Based Oral English Teaching and Primary Students Engagement in Classroom. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Hello, I'm a little confused about the way you developed your first draft of your teaching model. So could you please explain how you enhanced your teaching model and why you decided to do that?
Thank you for aksing. Well, firstly I desingined the first draft of my teaching model based on the findings from literture review and other teaching models. Even though I got theories to support my teaching model, I don't know if it's easy to operate into practice since I lack of teaching experience, so I conducted interviews with three experienced primary English teachers. In the interview, i described each step of my teaching model to them and asked theratinality of each step, and then they gave me suggestions for modifying the teaching model based on their years of teaching experience. So this is how I finalized my teaching model.