IN20-117 The Contrafact
Presenter: Jetnipith Sungwijit
Rangsit University, Thailand
This article focuses on jazz contrafact as a method of jazz composition. It is advantageous for composers who want to make themselves familiar with certain types of music or certain songs in particular and use them as a source of inspiration. It is by this reason many jazz pieces of composition are borrowed chord progressions. In some cases, the contrafact results in musical restructuring while in other cases the original structures remain intact. As shown in the present study, the contrafact derived from four types of jazz including Blue Progressions, Rhythm Changes, Modal Jazz and Unique Sound.
Citation format:
Sungwijit, J.. (2020). The Contrafact. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

What is you favorite material in this conposition?

Thank you for your question. I like its unique sound because it can clearly show self.