IN20-103 Factors Affecting Decision to Purchase Homes in Housing Estates in Suratthani Province
Presenter: Purithath Homudomsap
Bangkokthonburi University, Thailand
This study aimed primarily to investigate the factors such as locations, brand image, design, neighborhoods, and recreation facilities that affected the decision to buy homes in housing estates of civil servants and state enterprise in Suratthani. The close-ended questionnaires verified the reliability and content validity and were implemented to collect data. The samples consisted of 256 civil servants and state enterprise employees who had purchase decision powers and experiences in buying homes in housing estates. The inferential statistics for the hypothesis used in this study were the multiple regression analysis. The study found that majority of the respondents were females aging between 30-39 years old. Most of them were civil servants with undergraduate educational background. They earned average monthly incomes of 20,000-30,000 baht. The hypothesis testing had indicated that locations, brand image, design, and recreation facilities affected the home purchase decisions of civil servants and state enterprise employees in Suratthani at 0.05 statistically significance levels. These factors explained 81.20% of the influence on home purchase decisions of civil servants and state enterprise in Suratthani. However, the neighborhood did not affect the decisions to purchase homes in housing estates of civil servants and state enterprise in Suratthani.
Citation format:
Homudomsap, P.. (2020). Factors Affecting Decision to Purchase Homes in Housing Estates in Suratthani Province. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

What is the content of this research? And inquired experts that the research results were actually working.

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1. This study aimed primarily to investigate the factors of locations, brand image, design, neighborhoods, and recreation facilities that affected the decision to buy homes in housing estates of civil servants and state enterprise in Suratthani.
2. the factors of locations, brand image, design, and recreation facilities affected to home purchase decisions of civil servants and state enterprise employees in Suratthani a 0.05 statistically significant levels. These factors explained 81.20% of the influence toward home purchase decisions of civil servants and state enterprise in Suratthani. However, the factors of neighborhood did not affect the decisions to purchase homes in housing estates of civil servants and state enterprise in Suratthani.