IN20-064 Elliott Carter’s Metric Modulation in Ether-Cosmos No. VIII
Presenter: Wiboon Trakulhun
Rangsit University, Thailand
Ether-Cosmos comprises of twenty pieces for piano. The length of each piece is about 1-3 minutes, except the piece no. 18 which is longer than 12 minutes. For Ether-Cosmos No. 8, it is about 1.25 minutes in length. This piece applied music composition approach in the area of rhythm of Elliott Carter, especially in terms of metric modulation or tempo modulation. This approach involves a change of tempo within the music. The metric modulation also relates to note values or duration of notes, proportion of beat, and time signature. Therefore, the techniques of rhythmic organization and arranging tempos within metric modulation concept will be shown in this piece. Accordingly, the composer intends to design this piece with only one theme by arranging its structure as A1-A2-A3 and adding transition between each part until the end. Therefore, the audience can hear and compare the theme of the entire piece whose tempo is changed without feeling the change of tempo in the music.
Citation format:
Trakulhun, W.. (2020). Elliott Carter’s Metric Modulation in Ether-Cosmos No. VIII. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Do you have any orther choose on how to change the tempo?

Do you have any other choices on how to change the time signature from 4/4 to 6/8 as appear in the composition?
Thank you for your questions. The piece is composed by using Elliot Carter's metric modulation or tempo modulation. By his process, I need to obey his concept, formula, and system. Therefore, I do not have any choices for changing the tempo and time signatures.