IN20-065 A Transformation of Indonesia Military Armed Forces into Profession of Armes after President Suharto's Resignation
Presenter: Wanwichit Boonprong
Rangsit University, Thailand
This qualitative research aimed to investigate factors influencing the political transformation of Indonesian armed forces into the profession of arms after the internal uprisings in 1998 as well as examine the development of Indonesian armed forces in the period after the President Suharto’s resignation to the era of augmented democracy. The study was conducted using a synthesis of documents and in-depth interviews with five informants specializing in Indonesia’s political issues. The results showed that the major factors influencing the political transformation of Indonesia’s armed forces included the economic crisis in Asia as well as the unceasing growth of the middle-class people who participated in politics and promoted the politics uninfringed by the military forces. Furthermore, it was found that the cultivation of democratic principles among the profession of arms had gained acceptance from the society, and it also generated the positive image for Indonesia as a successful country in democracy building.
Citation format:
Boonprong, W.. (2020). A Transformation of Indonesia Military Armed Forces into Profession of Armes after President Suharto's Resignation. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

How about Thailand?
Thank you so much.,A jomdet.
In my opinion the Thai army will take at least 2 decades to become a democratic army like the army in the West. Thai society, especially the middle class, still respects and appreciates the role of the Thai army. They have been under the authoritarian system for a long time. and believe that the army will solve all problems