IN20-076 Characteristic of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells after Diagnostic Irradiation in Term of Morphology and Differentiation Potency
Presenter: Nutthapong Moonkum
Rangsit University, Thailand
Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. There are many benefits for patients from medical imaging but radiation is absorbed within our bodies, it can damage molecular structures and potentially cause harm. The aims are to characterize the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) after diagnostic x-ray irradiation and analyze the potency of morphology and differentiation potency. The PBMCs were isolated by ficoll-centrifugation technique and analyzed morphology and differentiation potency by inverted microscope. The cells were observed in 1hr, day 1, day 5, day 10, day 15 and day 20 after diagnostic irradiation base on diagnostic references level in the range of 70-110 kVp, 5-40 mAs, and 0.47-2.30 mGy. The freshly PBMCs isolated were found spherical shape and measured by flow cytometer that can be divided into two groups were composed of lymphocyte and monocyte. After x-ray irradiation in 20 days revealed the morphology was changed in all groups and were found the adherent cells in the control group more than x-ray irradiation group. The overall results indicated that the PBMCs might be considered as biomarkers were found to have a significant radiation effect on the morphology and differentiation of PMBCs and raises awareness on the use of radiation in medicine including being careful when using diagnostic radiation
Citation format:
Moonkum, N., Wongpiem, U., Mongkolsuk, M., & Pilapong, C.. (2020). Characteristic of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells after Diagnostic Irradiation in Term of Morphology and Differentiation Potency. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

1.Could you explain about the diffentiation potency of PBMC? As stem cell hierarchy, the PBMCs are the differentied cell which have no potential to differentiate.
In your presentation, it seem like PBMCs are stem cells. What is the different between PBMC and stem cells?
2.Is the mophological changes enough to determine the differentiation potency of PBMCs?

Dear Natthida
Thank you for your question.
1.In this study only samples from a healthy donor and PBMC can differentiate into specific cells type under appropriate conditions begin on the day 5. In fact, the fraction of PBMCs consist of peripheral blood stem cells. If culture PBMCS in the appropriate condition, we can see the cell more differentiation. However, if you want to confirm this, may provide the cell staining or confirm with other processes as well.
2.In this experiment, some parts may be needed to confirm the differentiation potency of PBMCs. But in this simple study can show some morphology changes that can be further developed for future studies.

Your work is interesting and it's a good chance to leave some questions to gain more knowledge here.
1. I was wondering if the radiation was absorbed why didn't you study in tissues instead of PBMCs? What's the PBMCs represent of?
2.Why did you collect blood from those parts? It's the same thing,isn't it? In my understanding, the blood flows through every part of body. If you collected blood from those parts after vorunteer had got radiation, it might not was the same sameples.
3. I agreed with Natthida's points. As your presentation PBMCs can differentiate to specific cells types. My understanding is those are the final differented cells already. How can those different to others cell types without inducing. And I'm not sure what does the differentiate which you refered in the results means? It means PBMCs differentiated to other cell types or it just lost their property as to be suspension on cells. How do you know that?

Thank you for your question.
1.Because this study is a simple preparation in the laboratory and with limited equipment. Therefore our scope of work will look only as changing the morphology. Thanks for the comment.
2. Because the collection of venous blood from antecubital vein is an easy way and volunteers will be less risk. Which the results will indicate the trend of cells changed when being irradiated
3. Essentially, we will look at the comparison between control group cells and irradiated cells. And the results showed that low energy radiation levels for medical imaging are used to diagnose diseases can cause changes in the molecular level. But the level of molecular change of the cell, May be required in the other process.