IN20-026 State Powers and Trading Patterns: Three Types and Changes of Overseas Trade in Early Modern China
Presenter: Zheng Haiyang
Shanghai International Studies University, China
The main purpose of this paper is to identify the influence of the state power on overseas trade patterns. The overseas trade patterns of modern China can be categorized into three types: Tributary trade, Customs trade, and Illegal private trade. The tributary trade is a major incentive for the operation of the tributary system and is an odd exchange that operates following political logic instead of economic law, while the customs trade is permitted and regulated by the government, and the state imposes tariffs on the trade. However, as the illegal private trade is far from the control of the state power, it has been subjected to State Oppression. This article argues that the primary role of the state power is to “cage” the population and supplies in a specific geographic space. Based on political security considerations, the despotic state has strictly restricted the development of overseas trade. From this conclusion, we believe that the California School's optimistic judgment on the relationship between the Chinese government and the market in the 18th century does not apply to the field of overseas trade. The government exerts influence on the overseas trade through three strategies of Leading development, System management, and Exclusion and suppression, which, to a large extent, shapes the form of the overseas trade.
Citation format:
Zheng, H.. (2020). State Powers and Trading Patterns: Three Types and Changes of Overseas Trade in Early Modern China. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Why should state power join international trade? Since joining, how to achieve hegemony?

Thank you very much for asking, this is a very good question. There are three factors that promote state power to join international trade in early modern China. First, international trade is an important part of the operation of the China-centric system of tributary. Secondly, for a long time, Chinese rulers have tended to associate international trade with rebellion and conspiracy, hence dynasties join international trade is in order to intensified monitoring of merchants. Finally, international trade can often bring huge profits, and state power to join overseas trade is also to obtain certain tariffs.
The main method adopted by the state power to occupy the hegemony position is to use power and system to restrict the private international trade. The government has the right to decide which ports can engage in overseas international trade, which ships and merchants can trade abroad, and which foreign trading partners are legal.




In the abstract, you said, "the primary role of the state power is to “cage” the population and supplies in a specific geographic space." just want to know why you choose "cage" this word to describe the state power role?

For FENGKUN WANG.非常感谢您的提问。中国政府对海外贸易的打压的主要措施大致有如下几点:一,限定贸易港口,例如宋元部分时期只允许在设有市舶机构的港口从事海外贸易;二,限定贸易主体,只允许官方许可的商人从事海外贸易,例如元代的官本船贸易;三、限制海外贸易的规模,例如明代只给拥有“船引“的民间船只出海和进港的许可。四、严格限定海外国家与中国的直接贸易。例如明清时期不允许没有纳入朝贡贸易体系的西欧国家与中国进行直接的对等贸易。政府对自由贸易的恐惧,主要是统治者基于王朝的政治安全的考虑,把海外自由贸易与反叛、不确定性、流动性等难以规整化等因素联系在一起。

For QIAN HE,非常感谢您的提问。本文采用了三种研究方法。一是历史社会学,即从长时段、大历史的角度来总结中国近世以来的海外贸易形态的形成背后的关键性要素——国家权力;二是类型学分析,借鉴马克斯·韦伯的理想类型分析,把海外贸易形态分为朝贡贸易、市舶贸易和民间私人贸易三类;最后是历史文本分析,通过大量借鉴历史学已有的研究成果和重要的历史文献资料来支撑文章的论点。

For LI QIAN.谢谢您的提问。本文的创新之处主要可以概括为两点,第一是方法论的创新。本文采用历史社会学的研究路径,把社会科学与历史进行了有机的结合,全面而系统地分析了中国海外贸易的几种类型,从国家权力视角来贯通性研究中国古代的海外贸易。第二是学术研究脉络中的创新。本文核心思想挑战了经济史研究领域的加州学派的观点,能够为理解和比较中国与西方的海外贸易发展逻辑提供新的视角。

For FUDONG LUO, thank you very much for asking, this is a very important question.The concept of cage comes from the sociologist Michael Mann. In analyzing the formation of the country and social stratification, he used "cage" to describe the state where people who were not controlled by institutionalized power were firmly fixed by various social power relations.