IN20-028 Trend Analysis of the Impact of Crime Committed by Lao Migrants in Thailand According to the Establishment of ASEAN Community in Thailand's Perspective
Presenter: Jomdet Trimek
Rangsit University, Thailand
This research is directly relevant to the ASEAN Security Community (ASC). One of the fundamental visions is particularly associated with combatting transnational crime and international challenges effectively in a timely manner. This study has three objectives as follows; (1) to explore causes and current situation of crime resulting from cross-border migration from Laos to Thailand due to the establishment of ASEAN community, (2) to deeply analyse immigration and crime trends across Thai-Lao borders, and (3) to propose approaches to preventing the immigration from Laos to Thailand for criminal purposes. In-depth interviews were conducted to gather crucial information from key informants, followed by two focus group discussions. However, the trend of crimes committed by Lao immigrants in Thailand after the inauguration of ASEAN community is inconsistent. Though, the initial hypothesis and public believed that checkpoints for border trade for commodity flows and labour transfers would worsen the issues of drugs and illegal immigration. Research findings indicated that drug-related crime and illegal immigration issues tend to decrease because the opening of ASEAN community allows the Thai and Lao governments to strengthen their international relations. Thus, it can be stated that warm diplomatic relations between countries are the main factor contributing to a successful prevention for transnational crime.
Citation format:
Trimek, J., & Aungsuthonthavarin, V.. (2020). Trend Analysis of the Impact of Crime Committed by Lao Migrants in Thailand According to the Establishment of ASEAN Community in Thailand's Perspective. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

It's a good news to hear the problems drugs and illegal immigration from Laos people is decreased because the opening of ASEAN community.
1.Your results is shown until 2017. Do you have a data on 2018 and 2019 or not? Is it still decrease from 2017 ?
2. Even though the opening of ASEAN community allows and the Thai and Lao governments to strengthen their international relations. But the data illegal immigration people in year 2017 had 32,487. On your opinion, why they still a lots?

1. No, but I am collecting data.
2. Some of immigrants would not like to be legal immigration.