IN20-017 Cyberbullying as Experienced by Grade VI Learners: A Basis for Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Plan in Elementary Level

Presenter: Roena Roselle F. Aquino
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Philippines


          This paper aimed to understand cyberbullying towards proposing a district-wide prevention and intervention plan. This research study sought ways to help achieve the Department of Education’s Mission and Vision in finding appropriate interventions to improve itself to serve its stakeholders and to promote conducive learning environment. This research is likewise a Case Study form of qualitative research. The informants were 5 Grade VI learners who experienced cyberbullying, 5 parents of the pupils who experienced cyberbullying, 5 teacher-advisers and one guidance counselor who have received reports of cyberbullying from their pupils. The pupil informants were from a school in District II of Quezon City, Philippines. Purposive sampling was the sampling technique used. Interview guides and protocols were used in gathering data. Coding and thematic approach were utilized to get the findings. Every effort was carefully taken in consideration to ensure the ethical conduct of this research. Findings revealed that: (a) cyberbullying occurs in many forms, (b) cyberbullying affects the pupils' performance, relationship, and behavior; and, (c) cyberbullying experiences cause the pupils to lose interest in study, to think of cutting themselves, to bully other pupils and to isolate themselves from others. The conclusion of the study includes: (a) parents, teacher-advisers and guidance counselors advise the pupils not bully others and limit/prohibit the use of social media, (b) parents keep guiding their child in using social media after they have coped with their cyberbullying experiences; and, (c) collaboration among guidance counselor, teacher-adviser of the pupils, and parents takes place to solve cyberbullying issues.

Keywords: Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University System; cyberbullying; learners; parents; teacher-advisers; guidance counselor

Citation format:

Aquino, R.. (2020). Cyberbullying as Experienced by Grade VI Learners: A Basis for Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Plan in Elementary Level. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.


ดร.ดารุณี เสริฐผล (Chairperson)

If the student don't tell is about the problem that they have faced what is the solution to help them?

Roena Roselle F. Aquino (Presenter)

Thank you for your question. 

Based on the results of my research, I recommend that the most appropriate solution starts at home through paying attention to their child's behavior and actions. They are also encouraged to have regular monitoring about their child's performance in school and relationship with other people. There are times, students will just say they feel okay even if there is really a problem. If the parents pay attention, they can identify that there's something wrong with their children. When the child doesn't want to confess his/her problem, they might have to try various ways for him/her to open up problems.
At the same time, I suggest that the teacher-advisers to monitor their students' performance, relationship and behavior in the class. When the teachers noticed that something seems wrong with their students, they should communicate with the students and call the attention of parents. Just in case when the students are not really opened with their parents/guardians, teacher-advisers might fill-in the gap in solving the problems that the students face. 

Thank you!