IN20-013 Synthesis and characterizations of ZnO based Nanofluids for Heat Transfer Applications in a Circular Heat Exchanger
Presenter: Waqar Ahmed
University Malaya, Malaysia
The ZnO nanoparticles have synthesized by using Sono-chemical technique and characterized by XRD, FTIR, UV-Vis, and FESEM, characterizations to confirm the proper synthesis. The twostep preparation of ZnO-DW based nanofluids were achieved after dispersing ZnO nanoparticles in base fluid (distilled water) by using high probe sonicator, and four different (0.025, 0.05, 0.075 and 0.1) wt.% concentrations of ZnO-DW based nanofluids have been prepared. All the ZnO-DW based nanofluids were investigated thoroughly for different thermophysical properties and their optimistic effects on improvement of heat transfer coefficient in a circular heat exchanger. The thermophysical properties like thermal conductivity, viscosity, density, friction loss and pumping power etc of ZnO-DW based nanofluids shows promising effects on heat transfer improvement in a circular heat exchanger. Experimental investigations on heat transfer characteristics were conducted in a circular heat exchanger with constant heat flux and different Reynold’s numbers in turbulent flow regimes conditions. The addition of ZnO solid nanoparticles in base fluid (DW) gives a surprising improvement in thermal conductivity about 47% increased. The maximum improvement in heat transfer has topped up for 0.1 wt.% concentration of ZnO-DW based nanofluid, which is about 52% more than base fluid. The outcomes arises by experiments reveals the ZnO-DW based nanofluids are best combination for heat transfer applications.
Citation format:
Ahmed, W.. (2020). Synthesis and characterizations of ZnO based Nanofluids for Heat Transfer Applications in a Circular Heat Exchanger. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Thank you very much for your nice presentation! Here, the maximum improvement in heat transfer has topped up for 0.1 wt.% c. Why you did not increase the concentration of ZnO-DW based nanofluid more than this?

Thank you for your good question, after lot of experiments I found that the more concentration may led to quick sedimentation, deccrease the suspension and stbilty of particles in water, clogging can be occurred due to higher concentration of particles and also viscosity will increase which needs more pumping power.

Your work is interesting. Anyway, I would like to know about the stability of the nanofluid: how long does the mixed fluid stability last with different nanoparticle weight concentrations? How to improve it?

Thank you for the compliment, there are list of surfactants or stabilizing agents that can be added during nanofluids preparation and stability can improves. But, use of surfactants may decrease the thermal conductivity of Nanofluid. So, I would prefer to prepared surfactant free Nanofluid, and for these nanofluids if we increase sonication time during preparation and optimize other synthesis parameters, than stability can improves...

Thanks for your answer.