IN20-010 Synthesis of Nanofluid for Heat Transfer Enhancement and Application in Annular Configuration Flow Passage
Presenter: Asif Khan
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Since the invention of a heat exchanger, working fluids such as water, ethyl glycol, oil, and many others were used; however, they exhibit a relatively low thermal conductivity. Nanofluids were introduced in this research to overcome the problem. In the present work, heat transfer coefficient and hydrodynamic analysis of TiO2 water-based nanofluid and distilled water flowing in an annular conduit under turbulent flow were investigated. The annular conduit with different shapes of the inner pipe (circular and square) under a constant heat flux with different concentrations of TiO2 nanofluids were studied. The weight fractions of the nanoparticles were selected at 0.1%, 0.075%, and 0.05%. The simulations were conducted under a steady turbulent flow condition where the Reynolds number was varied from 2300 to 5000. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) commercial package ANSYS FLUENT 18.2 software was used to obtain the heat transport in the annular geometry. The CFD analysis applied the finite volume method, a uniform surface heat flux boundary condition, and the SST-k-ω model for the solver. The simulation results showed that the Nusselt number enhances with an increment of a nano-particles fraction over the base fluid. The heat transfer rate is slightly higher when using a square inner pipe compared to a circular shape. The results concluded that by varying the inner shape of the annular conduit, the rate of heat transfer is enhanced.
Citation format:
Khan, A., Sean, O., & Newaz, K.. (2020). Synthesis of Nanofluid for Heat Transfer Enhancement and Application in Annular Configuration Flow Passage. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Thank you very much for your nice presentation! I have some question, why you did not increase the weight fractions of the nanoparticles more than 0.05% if it is well for your research? Did you compare TiO2 with other metal oxides?

Thanks, Glad to get some question, with increasing of wieght fractions with 0.075 and 0.1% of TiO2, the enhancement i have got less than 0.05%. While the highest enhancement of heat transfer coefficient and lower pressure drop being found during the experiment. As it mentioned by several researchers, TiO2 metal oxide one of the eco-friendly and easily available nanoparticles in the market, this research was conducted to find the low concentrations of TiO2 nanoparticles in mini heat transfer mechanical system.

Why was the nanoparticle weight percentage selected to be less than 0.1%? what happens if it is greater than 0.1%?

Why was the nanoparticle weight percentage selected to be less than 0.1%? what happens if it is greater than 0.1%?

as per designing of mani heat exchanger (annular design), if we increases the nanoparticles weight percentage then high concentration will increase the sendimentation and cause to clogging the flow as well as icrease the energy consumption for pump power. Avoiding the clogging and clustering inside the flow, the low concentration weight percentage of nanoparticles must be used, as per researcher.

Thanks for your answer.