IN20-009 The analysis of the dental patients attending Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University during 2016 to 2018
Presenter: Teerawut Tatiyapongpaiboon
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
This study was to analyze the dental patients in academic programs. The data were collected from 130 patients at Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, from May 2016 to December 2018. Name list of the patients who completely received comprehensive dental treatment more than six months were reviewed, then socio-economic data and dental treatment history were collected. After that, there were telephone contacts with each individual to interview for the present dental problems. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of the patients. The average age of the patients was more than 80 years, while the number of female patients was higher than males, and most patients lived in Bangkok (85%). About dental treatment, Prosthodontics was the main work (93%). The average waiting period before the treatment was 77 days, and the average treatment duration was 226 days. The main oral health problem when recalling was denture problems. The results indicated that when time passed, dental patients tend to be more dependent. The authors suggest that a regular recall within six months is a necessity for the elderly patients. Also, the procedures for successful oral hygiene instruction and skills to handle denture problems should always be revised. Oral health prevention and promotion in the Thai elderly are the keys to good oral health and quality of life. Moreover, as the patients are growing older, the physical dependency condition may become a burden to come to the dental office; home dental care will be the alternative option in future long terms care.
Citation format:
Tatiyapongpaiboon, T., Limpuangthip, N., & Komin, O.. (2020). The analysis of the dental patients attending Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patients Care clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University during 2016 to 2018. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

The presenter stated that the average treatment duration was 226 days. I would like to know that did you classify the type of works for this analysis because it seems that removable PD, fixed PD, and CD have different time frame for treatment.
And do you survey about the factors involving in the treatment duration? Because I would like to know that the factors involving is the patients' factor or the operators' factor.
If this is was surveyed, this data would be valuable especially when you would like to publish this reserach in the international journal. You could discuss and compare a lot of data about this point for publication.

1. What is your definition of the age of the elderly? Since you classified nthe subjects at 65 but also have less than 65 group.
2. The details of the denture problem in your study should be clarified and the graph of age and dependency should be shown in percent.

Thank you for all your questions
For Dr. KRAISORN questions
It is hard to classify the type of work because the dental treatments in our clinic are comprehensive treatment including all phases of treatment. There are overlapping treatment times between each type of treatment so it may be not different time frames for treatment for removable PD cases, fixed PD cases, and CD cases.
Moreover, there are only patients’ factors that were surveyed. The factors that are involved in the treatment duration are often an ability to frequently come to the clinic and limited time per dental visit due to health conditions of patients.
For Dr.SARIYA questions
This study, the definition of age of the elderly is 65 years old but there are also special care patients that age less than 65 years old in our clinic.
And about the details of the denture problems, there are only telephone interviews so it still needs to recall them for oral examination.
This is the age and dependency that was shown in percent.
Age/dependency. Independent. Semi-dependent. Dependent
60-69 years 14.0 8.3 33.3
70-79 years 51.2 8.3 16.7
≥80 years 34.9 83.3 50.0

Thank you for the answer