RSUSCI-2021 & RSUSOC-2021
IN21-163 Project for Wildlife and Ecosystem Learning Space Design Using Multimedia, Bangkok
Presenter: Aamaal Phakdeetham Chimvilaisup
-, Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit University
This research aims to design a multimedia space for learning physical characteristics and ecosystems of reserved wild animals and protected wild animals of Thailand to encourage awareness of preservation and conservation in humans. Theoretical information, concepts related to learning space with multimedia usage, and data related to wildlife and ecosystems are gathered to create factors for design guidelines. This research raises the quality standard of learning resource management. It is found that reserved wild animals and protected wild animals cover mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish, and invertebrates. Different wildlife species live in different ecosystems such as terrestrial ecosystem, semi-terrestrial ecosystem, and aquatic ecosystem which are the natural habitats of the original local wildlife. However, the existing studies of wildlife at this present moment are still about displaying animals outside their original habitats which affect wildlife and the ecosystem. Moreover, the zoo changes in the future (tend to design the learning space as the conservation leader and wildlife learning resources. The hypotheses are can and how learning space is designed by excluding real animals and including multimedia technology to encourage awareness of wildlife preservation and conservation in humans. The research shows that the influence of multimedia on education has been increasing. It can enhance learning capacity, create experiences, and be used along with activities that support the learning environment. 7 Modes of the design innovation process and 9 components of Business Model Generation are used for the space design to create a deep understanding of wildlife and ecosystems for sustainable learning. This is the process of the studio for innovation creation called ENO Method which is applied to create stability for this wildlife and ecosystem learning center project. This learning space can encourage awareness of wildlife and ecosystem preservation and conservation since the users understand problems related to wildlife. Space is also for recreation, human interaction, and family activities.