RSUSCI-2021 & RSUSOC-2021

IN21-196 Olfactory Oscillations In Responses To Sociability Test In Female Mice

Presenter: Pakavarin Khunphet
Division of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University


Social behaviors can be defined as any modality of communication and/or interaction between two conspecifics of a given species. The social behaviors displayed in an inappropriate way can have detrimental effects. Impaired sociability had also associated with various kinds of neuropsychiatric disorders including depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. Many excellent models of mouse’s social behaviors are well-established. However, most studies have been conducted in male mice due to the fluctuating hormone levels in female mice. Since estrogen is the primary female sex hormone that plays a role in social behaviors, the major aim of this study was to characterize olfactory oscillations in response to sociability cues in female mice. Female Swiss albino ICR mice implanted with the intracranial electrodes for local field potential (LFP) recording were used. The LFP signals from the neural network associated with social behaviors, the olfactory bulb (OB), were simultaneously recorded during performed sociability test compared with a baseline and novel object exploration (habituation session). The results showed that normal female mice significantly increased time spent exploring a stimulus mouse, which indicated the social target responses. The analysis of the LFP olfactory signals also revealed the changes of neural activity within specific frequency ranges during social exploration, decreasing of high beta (19-30 Hz) and increasing of high gamma (61-100 Hz). These findings implied the specific response of the olfactory bulb in the female mice that may indicate the encoding of social exploration.

Citation format:

Khunphet, P., Issuriya, A., Cheaha, D., & Kumarnsit, E.. (2021). Olfactory Oscillations In Responses To Sociability Test In Female Mice. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, April 30, 2021. Pathum Thani, Thailand.