IN20-302 Descriptive Cross-Sectional Survey of Xerosis in General Middle-Aged and Elderly at Benchakiti Park hospital
Presenter: Isara Rojvutthikun
Chulabhorn International college of medicine, Thailand
This study aimed to identify the prevalence and occurrence environment related of xerosis in middle-aged and elderly Thai people. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Benchakiti Park hospital, Thailand on 18 and 23 December 2019. Participants (n = 163) were included. Demographic data, skincare knowledge, lifestyle factors, environment predispose to skin dry were determined correlation with clinical skin dryness examination. Skin dryness was examined by the Overall Dry Skin (ODS) score and corneometer measurement. Results: The prevalence of skin dryness was 100%, the mean age ±SD was 65.09±6.98 years. The middle-age group; dry skin 67.3%, very dry skin 50.5%, whereas the elderly group dry skin 32.7%, very dry 50%. Stratum corneum hydration was significantly related to ODS scores by an expert’s observation. Conclusion: The prevalence of xerosis in Thailand display critical number and find in pre-geriatric nowadays. This study recognizes age, lifestyle and environment play a role to predispose skin dryness.
Citation format:
Rojvutthikun, I., & Nitayavardhana, S.. (2020). Descriptive Cross-Sectional Survey of Xerosis in General Middle-Aged and Elderly at Benchakiti Park hospital. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

What are the most important risk factors to develop xerosis in the elderly?

Why did the prevalence of xerosis in your study is so high?

Why is the prevalence of xerosis among middle aged Higher than elderly?

Why the prevalanece of xerosis is so high

This is descriptive study, we can not find the associated risk factors in this study but we can identify the tendency of important factors of xerosis in both middle aged- elderly from the highest frequency. The fourth higest rank for tendency to develop xerosis in this study are frequently showering more than2 times/day(80%) > Talc/powder using(73%) > menopause (68%) > Bar soap bathing(60%) accordingly.

Age, lifestyle, and environment play a role related to the high number of xerosis in Thai. The prevalence is high because of our mean age around 65 years old (quite a late middle-aged to elderly), and might be the Thai lifestyle explained by Thai is hot weather making Thai lifestyle habits prefer to frequency bathing and prefer the light, cool and comfortable products when using without the effect of dry skin example; the bar soap makes feeling easy rinse off and the powder makes drying from the sweating. And this is the observational study that collects in cross-sectional time in winter periods of Thai seasons, December months maybe promote the high xerosis in that time. Thanks for your question.

Answer@ เปรมจิต จันทองจีน:
In detail, both ranges of middle-aged and elderly are xerosis. But in our study found the dry (xerosis) severity more than very dry severity in the middle age group, whereas we found very dry (xerosis) severity more than dry in the elderly group. No meaning the middle age higher xerosis than the elderly. Only show the older have severity skin dryness more than younger. Thank you for your question.