IN20-300 Knowledge toward Vitiligo in General Population
Presenter: Sara Abouelsaad
Thammasat University, Thailand
Vitiligo is a common autoimmune disfiguring skin disorder where white patches appear on the skin. This results in an impairment of the quality of life (QoL) and psychological morbidities for vitiligo patients. Unfortunately, there is a prevalent misconception about vitiligo disease nature all over the world. This study aims to evaluate knowledge toward vitiligo in the general population and to investigate whether knowledge toward vitiligo differs between ethnic groups. A cross-sectional survey in the form of a self-administered electronic questionnaire on the researcher’s tablet given to the general population attending at Bumrungrad International Hospital in Thailand. A total of 158 subjects completed the questionnaire (26 Caucasians, 97 Asians, 35 Arabians). Overall, the average knowledge score was 7±3.4 out of 15, with a significant difference between the groups (p=0.017). Only 23% of the participants knew that the condition in the video was vitiligo. Arabians were significantly more likely than the other groups to know the name of vitiligo disease (p=0.001). Nearly about one-fourth of the subjects had knowledge regarding the disease etiology as an immunological, hereditary disease that can be triggered by psychological stress. Moreover, less than 40% of the participants realized that it is a treatable disease with unknown etiology and without an internal organ abnormality. However, more than 70% of them knew that this condition was not contagious by touching, having a meal together or by airborne transmission. In conclusion, this study showed misconceptions about vitiligo disease in the general population.
Citation format:
Juntongjin, P., Abouelsaad, S., Sugkraroek, S., & Nuallong, W.. (2020). Knowledge toward Vitiligo in General Population. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS