IN20-261 A Design of walkway to Connection at Taksin Bridge
Presenter: Kachangsri Vorada
Rangsit University, Thailand
In the past water transport is the main transport in Thai society. The people are using to travel from one place to another place even though nowadays. Thai society is not using water transportation as much as before but in many areas water transportation is still the main transport to connect to people living between banks of Chao Phraya River. Taksin Bridge is one of the areas that connect the community that living along side of Chao Phraya River. Taksin Bridge is the connection of much transportation such as Ferry, Sky train, car and walk. Also all the generations are using this transport such as student,and people that leave in that area also and many numbers of tourists are using transportation at Taksin Bridge. Taksin Bridge transportation is a convenient area for connection of transport and tourism. Nowadays Taksin Bridge transportation is degraded by the passage of time also the environment around is lack of care and developments such as Public Park, the traffic that may confuse the people are using and inconvenient for connection between transportation.The project is to design to connect transportation between two banks of Chao Phraya River at Taksin Bridge area. The purpose of this study is to design and improve the connection of transportations. In addition, Thailand’s currently facing air pollution problem, so to design a landscape and increase green space to improve the fresh air to the people in the Taksin Bridge area the results of this study is to design the most suitable pedestrian and road transportation for human and can be taken as a guide to the development of design.
Citation format:
Borisutnarubom, S., & Kachangsri, V.. (2020). A Design of walkway to Connection at Taksin Bridge. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

it''s very exiting for me in the results of your impressive landscape design by analysis the problem and suggest the various solutions .
I'd like to ask you a question ;
-What's the detail design of universal design for the disabled person or elderly in your project?
-Do you prepare parking lot for anyone who have to use the transportation in this area ?

The final result of the design is interesting in terms of layout. i'd like to know some of the details that, from the analysis area, How to use design principles to be suitable for each connection point ?

Interesting project.
Do you think that this project can be submitted to the government for further development or not?

Hello. Thank you for your interesting presentation. I have a few questions:
What is your method of collecting data? And How does it affect your design?

Thank you for the question Ajarn MALLIKA JONGSIRI
I use elevators to support up-down in all zones. There is a ramp. At different areas of the bridge.
And the BTS corridor connects to the BTS elevator. BTS
The park area of Khlong San side already has a car park to accommodate the users of the park.
However, since it needs to be more active,The area next to the park is an area of The Pier.Suitable for development as a parking space in the future.

Thank you for the question Ajarn PAIBOON KITTIKUL
Each connection point focuses on sit and rest. There will be a function, a shop, street food, to accommodate the vendors in the area And supports users who are in a hurry to work or students
And Activities in other connection point such as The exhibition area is connected to Bangrak district (TCDC) as a creative district.

Thank you for the question Ajarn MONCHAI BUNYAVIPAKUL
Personally, it is thought that the benefits of research can continue to be developed.

Thank you for the question Ajarn ROSALINE SHAW
I've been exploring each time, working day and holidays, studying people flow behavior, user groups, as well as the number, and in other details, study from research books or statistics.
The design has been used as a walking trail in the distance and function at each break point.