IN20-250 Conservation Design Proposal for Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study of Ao Salat Fisherman Village, Kut Island, Thailand
Presenter: Thanathat Bruranatrakul
Rangsit University, Thailand
The study of conservation design of Ao Salat fisherman village in Kut island aims as follows; 1) to understand the physical characteristics and lifestyle of a fisherman village, 2) to develop and establish a preliminary proposal of a community master plan and design, and 3) to promote the village as a sustainable tourism location. One of the main arguments in the region is the Building Code and space restrictions of the laws. Besides the constraints, the absence of knowledge and support makes it harder for the village to develop and maintain its character, identity, and aesthetics. Methodologically, social integration and physical design were adopted and a field survey was carried out to examine the development plan for Kut Island and Ao Salat community. The analysis was performed by using the image of the city along with the idea of sustainable tourism. The results suggested that the preliminary community plan was composed of five main areas as follows; Firstly, expanding and developing in the shipyard area to become a tourist transportation hub. Secondly, developing the religious area to create a historical tourist spot for travelers. Thirdly, the renovation and strengthening of the character and scenery of the community center and residential area. Furthermore, the improvement of the waterfront walkways which connecting to local routes and main activities also increases the ability to dock the ship. Finally, establishing the learning complex in the village that enhances the traveling experience and gives the knowledge to the visitor about ways of living and culture, tradition and restores the characteristics, improve the village, help to start an economy growing again and promote the village to become a traveling destination. In conclusion, the proposals would potentially help the village gain attention from tourists and help strengthen connections between the places in the village. And find a solution for solving the physical and social problems in the area. Hopefully, the proposal could create a sustainable fisherman village that help to improve local businesses along with the environment.
Citation format:
Tanapant, S., Atthakorn, S., Pakapongphun, P., Kieochan, B., Chansuphaphat, W., Chutimapunya, Y., Woramahakun, A., Phongthanyaviriya, C., Sangchan, P., Bruranatrakul, T., & Kieochan, M.. (2020). Conservation Design Proposal for Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study of Ao Salat Fisherman Village, Kut Island, Thailand. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Do you get any feedback from stakeholder after your redesign the masterplan? . If have, what's a point to concern?

I’d like to know. What are the main arguments in the region concerned with the building code and space restriction of the laws? And do you propose the conservation design in the regional level?

KHUN RAPIPHONG, We did not get any feedback from the stakeholder Because There is the limitation of time for this research. But we pay attention to gather survey data and We expect this masterplan would be suitable for every stakeholder. you can comment on us. If you have some ideas about this topic
Thank you for your question.

Hi Mr.Thanathat
In your reseach, you mentioned that there are arguments region. I would like to know How do you solve the problems?

Hello Miss.Saijai Lorpensri
One of the restrictions that the region has for Ao salat village is the ability to extend their territory. which become problems after the population starts to increase. Also, the materials used to construct any building had to be the same which at the moment most of the materials in the village are wood. Luckily the village just got permission to change a base structure of the waterfront walkways from wood structure to the concrete structure. Unfortunately, our research still doesn't reach the regional level. But hopefully, our research will help improve the quality of life and become one of the role models for a nearby village to develop their village as well.
Hope this help clarify your questions
Thank you

After we went to Ao Salat and interview the village headman and villager. We realize that there are some conflicts between the villager and the Gorvonement. At the moment Ao Salat has limited space that the village can develop the villager and extend their our solution is not to extend the area but improve the space using the same structure that the village already had which is not against any restrictions. Also recently the village is allowed to change the main structure of the waterfront walkways from wood structure to concrete structure which is going to be a great opportunity to develop the walkways.
Hope this help clarify your questions.
Thank you!