IN20-264 A Survey of the Old Buildings Built before 1957 in the Area of Mee Chai Road, Mueang District, Nong Khai Province: Guidelines for Rehabilitation
Presenter: Mr.Arinchapong Jarungkitsuwan
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
This research aims to examine the old buildings located on the area of Mee Chai road, Mueang district, Nong Khai province. This study is based on field work using survey and observation to collect data. Samples were 12 old buildings from a total of 30 buildings. Interviews with owners of the buildings and residents were conducted to understand background of the old buildings built before 1957 which were influenced by colonial foreign countries. The old buildings deserve for preservation since they show historical value. The buildings are also considered as tourist attractions in Nong Khai province where is one of the most attractive living places in the world as viewed in environment and living in community. The present study presents details of the buildings and assessment of potentiality to get the old buildings in the area of Mee Chai road into a process of buildings preservation. An analysis of data from the buildings undertook different steps for assessment of building preservation. The results from survey and assessment which can classify the buildings in five groups based on levels of completion in its preservation found that three buildings were in a perfect condition, two buildings were in a good condition, four buildings were in a fairly good condition, one building was in an improvement-required condition as well as two buildings were in an improvement-needed condition. An analysis from the interviews showed four key different perspectives. First, an improvement and preservation of the buildings needed a lot of budget so that a support of budget was essential. Second, renovation of the area for usage in the buildings should change an interior area in corresponding with the current state of the buildings for residential and business purposes. Third, maintaining of the buildings’ original styles was needed but there was a lack of materials and skillful works. Last, photos taken by tourists which created emotional value encouraged maintaining of the state of the buildings for exhibition of local activities and presentation of background and history of the buildings.
Citation format:
Jarungkitsuwan, A., Thipayasothorn, P., & Seviset, S.. (2020). A Survey of the Old Buildings Built before 1957 in the Area of Mee Chai Road, Mueang District, Nong Khai Province: Guidelines for Rehabilitation. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Thank you K.Arinchapong for your presentation ka. I have a few questions:
1) What are the main functions of these old buildings? (shophouse, or residence, or office building, ..???)
2) Why do you choose the rehabilitation approach for these buildings rather than conservation?
3) Regarding the result of the interview of owners and residents of the building. Do you find some contradiction between the rehabilitation objective and the direction that the owner/resident of the building would like to take? For example, the owner may want to make a substantial change to the building that it may not look old anymore...

From the population of the old buildings, which is equal to 30, why don't you survey all 30 buildings, but only 12 buildings, and how do you confirm the findings to be valid and reliable?

Answer Khun Wlaiporn Nakapan
1.In the old building area, There are various types of applications to combined.
2.The researcher has the opinion that Use in the current area is not appropriate. And the structure of the building is damaged.
3.There are conflicting interviews. The building owner doesn't want the state to get involved in the development. Causing the architectural style to be without direction.
Thank you

Answer Khun Nakorn Paleethunyawang
The researchers surveyed the remaining 18 buildings but found problems in the following research
1.No residents in the building , Abandoned building.
2.The building owner has inherited and lived outside the area.
3.The building owner is not happy to answer questions and to explore the building area.
Thank you