IN20-165 Calculation for Graphite Cavity Ion Chamber Response to Cs-137 Gamma Ray using EGSnrc Monte Carlo Code
Presenter: Pongphanot Rindhatayathon
King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
The calculation of the ionization chamber response is one factor in establishing a primary standard of air kerma in Thailand. The EGSnrc Monte Carlo code was used for calculation a cylindrical model of the ionization chamber. The chamber was computed the response by applying the Cs-137 spectrum incident on the chamber flat surface. The physical constants simulation comprises the stopping power ratio between graphite and air, the ratio of mass-energy absorption between air and graphite, the fraction of electron energy lost by bremsstrahlung production in air. The constants were calculated by a radiation key data recommendation follow ICRU report 37 and ICRU report 90. Moreover, Wall scattering and attenuation correction and axial non-uniformity were also calculated. The results base on ICRU report 37 are 1.0100(11), 0.9992(6), and 0.0012(2) for the stopping power, the ratio mass-energy absorption and electron energy loss, respectively. However, the stopping power ratio follow ICRU 90 is decreased by 0.78%. For the correction factor, wall scattering is 0.9623 (1) ,wall attenuation is 1.0671 (1) ,and 0.9998 (5) for axial non-uniformity. The calculation results were compared with PENELOPE code and EGS5 code. The comparison between this work and the others is not a significant difference. Therefore, the result can be accepted to use for the graphite cavity ion chamber.
Citation format:
Rindhatayathon, P., & Siriwitpreecha, A.. (2020). Calculation for Graphite Cavity Ion Chamber Response to Cs-137 Gamma Ray using EGSnrc Monte Carlo Code. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Why dose the results base on ICRU report 37 were compared with PENELOPE code but the results base on ICRU report 90 were compared with BIPM and GUM?

Thank you for your presentation! In this research, what is the main idea of calculation for the graphite cavity Ion chamber, and what is the application of this research in the future?

ผศ.ดร.อรจิรา อารักษ์สกุลวงศ์ : For ICRU report 37, I want to show their results (EGSnrc) are equivalence with other code (PENELOPE) (Mean check code). But, in case of ICRU 90. The results are compared with GUM or BIPM to check a difference that important to apply to our chamber.
รศ.ปัญญา มณีจักร์ : The calculation is important to determine air kerma rate as shown in the slide. Next step, the calculation results are applied to our chamber and correction factors are evaluated for determination air kerma rate.