IN20-156 The Impact of Customer Experience on Online Game Purchase Intention
Presenter: Zhiyang Luo
Rangsit university, Thailand
The researcher first explored whether purchase intention can be affected by enhancing the customer experience. The purchase intention was divided into two dimensions: repeat purchase and word-of-mouth recommendation, and the influences of each dimension on the customer experience were studied. Then, we reviewed the relevant literature of online games and defined the concepts of online games. Also, summarized the customer experience, related theories and research literature, structured a relational model between customer experience and online game purchase intention, and raised the research suppositions of this paper. For the sake of demonstration of the set model and suppositions, a survey by questionnaire was conducted among online game users as the research object, and statistical software was used to statistically analyze the survey results. In addition to the related experience, customer experience’s seven dimensions significantly influence purchasing intent in the same direction. According to the results of empirical analysis, the following suggestions are made on how a series of processes for online game companies to seize the main factors of customer experience and stimulate their customers' psychological needs for final purchase: (1) strengthen the visual and auditory design of online games to enhance the sensory experience of customers, (2) focus on customer relationship management and improve customer emotional experience, (3) optimize the game interface and operation to improve customer use experience.
Citation format:
luo, Z.. (2020). The Impact of Customer Experience on Online Game Purchase Intention. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Hello!I want to know that, Is there a best fund input propotion to tell us: how much cost we can afford for customer experience to add their purchase intention. Thank you.

Thank you for your question. At present, my research involves the proof of the theoretical relationship and has not brought the theoretical research into the actual research. Therefore, I cannot answer whether you have the optimal investment ratio.However, your question inspired me. I will take relevant online game enterprises as the research object in the future, and try to study and calculate the optimal proportion of funds to improve customer experience

What method is used in your paper data?

Thank you for your question. The methods used in my data analysis are as follows
1. Reliability and validity test findings
2.Descriptive statistics on demographic elements
3.Correlation Analysis
4.Regression Analysis


Thank you for your question.
The main factors influencing customer experience include sensory experience, emotional experience, relevance experience, thinking experience, action experience, perceived usefulness experience, and perceived ease of use experience. They constitute a system to measure customer experience

How does your customer experience scale

Thank you for your question.
I introduced Schmitt's concept and combined with Nambisan and Watt's viewpoint, integrated the characteristics of game network and the way of dividing the customer experience dimensions of virtual environment, and interpreted the experience through seven dimensions of sense, emotion, thinking, action, relevance, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use