IN20-154 A Study of the Influence of Abusive Supervision on the Silence Behavior
Rangsit University, Thailand
This study established a model with abuse management as an independent variable, emotional exhaustion as a mediating variable and silent behavior as a mediator variable. A total of 368 valid questionnaires were collected. The Cronbach's α coefficient of abuse management was 0.84, the Cronbach's α of silent behavior was 0.78, the Cronbach's α of emotional exhaustion was 0.89, and the Cronbach's α of each variable was higher than 0.7, indicating that the scale used in this study had consistency and high reliability. Through statistical analysis and regression analysis, the results showed that the perception of leaders' abusive management was still very high, and the leaders' abusive management was at a higher level, at the same time, the emotional exhaustion and silence of employees are at a middle level. Leadership abuse management has a significant positive impact on employee’s silent behavior; emotional exhaustion has a significant positive impact on employee’s silent behavior; emotional exhaustion plays a mediator role in the relationship between abusive management and employee’s silent behavior.
Citation format:
Duan, W.. (2020). A Study of the Influence of Abusive Supervision on the Silence Behavior. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS



权利距离越大的企业出现辱虐管理与沉默行为的企业 状况最高,例如政府机构(Milliken and Morrison (2003)、医院(胡艺嘉 & 马金宏, 2016)等。因为政府机构内的权利具有权威性,且等级制度较严重,低等级的政府人员在高等级的领导面前,会保持沉默,权利差距较大,上司与员工在权利上的话语权相差较大,且上司采用不可反抗的态度来要求员工时,较容易产生员工的逆反心理,其结果无外乎是造成离职现象或沉默行为。另一方面,对于医护人员来说,一方面需要技术提升的需求,一方面需要职称的提升,加上工作压力的巨大,可能会存在生理与心理方面的沉

沉默行为会影响组织决策的能力,也会导致下属心理 问题,并降低工作效率 (杨赛楠,孙运波,尤薇,徐 婷婷,王明雪,& 梁馨之,2017)。医护人员的沉默 行为是阻碍医护团队和医院发展的重要因素。拥有好 的医学知识,但保持沉默,就意味着医护人员无法真 正加入团队,不利于组织中发现和解决问题,并且是 创新和计划改革的障碍。
当前有许多关于医护人员的离职因素和离职趋势的研 究,但是关于医护人员沉默行为的研究很少讨论。探 讨影响医护人员在工作场所的心理状况和医护群体的 组织氛围现状,可以为管理者制定有效的管理政策, 并提高医护团队的稳定性,为促进医护质量的提高提 供基础,以及实现医护团队的发展与创新。改善上下 级管理的弊端,发现影响医护人员离职倾向、心理问 题等现实意义。



1) 管理实践的发展导致越来越多的高管关注不良管理方式对员工造成的恶 性结果:经常可以发现辱虐管理对下属造成较大的负面影响,引发员工的逆反 心理。过去有负面管理的研究通常集中于辱虐管理对员工绩效、员工态度 (如轮
3 岗意图、工作满意度、离职意愿等) 的影响;以及对下属沉默行为的维度划分与
2) 虐待管理会通过其他心理机制影响员工的沉默行为吗? 已有文献对两者 之间的内部心理机制研究很少。员工情绪衰竭使组织形成工作疲倦,影响他们 离职倾向,对员工沉默行有一定的影响 (胡金萧玉,汪雅,庞靖涛,楼陈名,& 王永跃,2017) 。员工受到辱虐管理的负面影响,其负面情绪也会随之增加,可 能给员工沉默行为带来更大的影响 (董银儿,2016) 。因此,情绪衰竭在不良管 理方式与员工应对方式之间所扮演得角色也是本研究重点考察的问题。
综上所述,本文提出以下 2 点研究目的,分别如下所示:
研究目的 1:研究辱虐管理对员工沉默行为影响。
研究目的 2:研究情绪衰竭在辱虐管理与员工沉默行为间所扮演地角色。


Please introduce the actual applicable objects of your model with abuse management, thank you!

For abuse management and silent behavior, most of them have enterprises that are unequal to the upper and lower rights, have a large gap in rights, and have a serious hierarchy. Most of the senior management of the hospital is performed by people with high qualifications and high positions. Leaders with high qualifications and high positions have more authoritative words and management methods, which can easily lead to a large gap in rights when managing subordinates; and hospital staff also face huge work pressure, doctor-patient relationship, and job titles. Therefore, the management of the hospital is also facing huge pressure, and without a good pressure elimination method, it will cause abuse management. Therefore, the model of abuse management is more suitable for the research of hospital medical staff.