IN20-152 Relationship between Spiritual Leadership and Innovative Behavior in Chinese Drone Companies: the Mediating Effect of Employee Engagement
Presenter: SIYA ZHOU
Rangsit University, Thailand
Based on conservation of resource theory, taking employee engagement as mediator, research model of the research on the relationship between spiritual leadership and innovation behavior is established. The purpose of the study is to clarify the relationship between spiritual leadership and innovation behavior of scientific research managers in Chinese drone companies, and whether employee engagement plays an intermediary role in the above relationship. In order to explore the influencing factors of employees' innovation behavior and its internal mechanism, practical and theoretical basis for companies to improve innovation performance is provided. The hypothesis was verified using interviews with executives from 3 drone companies and survey data from 361 scientific research managers in 13 drone companies. The results of the study indicate that: 1. Spiritual leadership has a significant positive impact on innovation behavior and employee engagement; 2. Employee engagement has a significant positive impact on innovation behavior; 3. Employee engagement has a partial mediation effect between spiritual leadership and innovation behavior. This study collected 402 questionnaires in total, including 41 invalid questionnaires and 361 valid questionnaires, with efficiency 89.8%.
Citation format:
Zhou, S., & Yang, S.. (2020). Relationship between Spiritual Leadership and Innovative Behavior in Chinese Drone Companies: the Mediating Effect of Employee Engagement. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Have you done the research with public or private sectors? If you have done with both sectors, were there any differences?



No public or private sector research has been done, but the public sector is generally more bureaucratic


1) 探索精神领导对创新行为之影响;
2) 探索敬业度在精神领导与创新行为间关系的中介效果。

What is the relationship between spiritual leadership and innovation behavior of scientific research managers in Chinese drone companies?

Spiritual leadership can significantly positively affect innovation behavior, that is, the higher the level of spiritual leadership, the higher the level of innovation behavior.


- Fry et al.(2005) 的经典模型中间路径拓展性研究