IN20-094 The Use of Robotic fabrication in Architectural Design Education: An Experiment of a Robotic Hotwire Foam Cutting at an Undergraduate Level
Presenter: Korapong Kanasoot
Rangsit University, Thailand
Robotic technology has become more present in Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry. Some architectural schools have integrated robotic education in their curriculum. In this paper, we question if we integrate these tools at an undergraduate level, will they understand the robotic fabrication technology?; and how does it affect their creativity? These questions have been explored during a 2-week workshop with 84 - 2nd-year architecture students, divided into 12 groups. Our research is experimental. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of using robotic fabrication in our architectural school, at the undergraduate level. We are particularly interested in robotic hotwire foam cutting because it is quick and cost-effective; it is an efficient technique to fabricate a prototype. The results were quantitatively evaluated using 3-point Likert scale based on: (1) the understanding of the concept of robotic fabrication. The student’s workpiece should be successfully imported into Sprutcam© software and generate robot toolpath for hotwire foam cutting, (2) the workpiece is suitable for fabrication with robot arm and is quick to produce, and (3) the workpiece can only be fabricated using robotic hotwire foam cutting. The result shows that most students (11 groups out of 12) understood the concept of robot arm with more or less efficiency in fabrication. Those who successfully fabricated using hotwire foam cutting technique designed the workpiece based on the principle of ruled surface. And this makes their work can exclusively be fabricated using robotic hotwire foam cutting technique. In conclusion, the use of robotic fabrication is deemed appropriate for the teaching of architecture in our school in the future.
Citation format:
Onsuwan, S., Nakapan, W., & Kanasoot, K.. (2020). The Use of Robotic fabrication in Architectural Design Education: An Experiment of a Robotic Hotwire Foam Cutting at an Undergraduate Level. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

I surely think it will be the future tool for model making and students need to be familiar with it including teachers.Are there any creativity problems during the design process because I noticed that one of your research question about creativity which is kind of the quanlitative question but the result is quatitative. Thank you.

The achievement of working with robot in architectural fabrication is very impressive. So, what are the major role of instructors in order to stimulate all students to implement their tasks.

Thank you Ajarn Pawornpod for your relevant question. The evaluation of students’ creativity is qualitative, which is difficult to evaluate and can be subjective. In this research, creativity is translated into quantitative analysis. The students’ creativity is replaced with achievement of the work within the given timeframe.

Thank you Ajarn Suwicha for your question. The lecturers showed the students real examples of work done by robot. We also showed them how these works can be applied in the field of Architecture in the future.