IN20-067 An Evaluation of Optimal Exposure Indicator for Skull X-ray Imaging using Computed Radiography System
Presenter: Nuttapong Danthanavat
Rangsit university, Thailand
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the appropriate exposure indicator in computed radiography for the skull x-rays images. A skull phantom was used during the data collection. The amount of radiation in the air was measured to calculate the entrance surface dose. There was an observation of x-rays images evaluation for images that have the exposure indicator higher than 200. The computer program (efilm version 2.1.2) was used to measure the standard deviation, which indicates the noise in the images. The result concluded that skull AP position x-rays images which have exposure indication value in the range of 200 to 333 are similar in the term of image quality. The skull lateral position x-rays images which have exposure indication value in the range of 200 to 340 also offer similar image quality. To summarize, the images with higher exposure indicators reduce radiation patient dose.
Citation format:
Wongpiem, U., Danthanavat, N., Mongkolsuk, M., Tapanya, T., & Moonkum, N.. (2020). An Evaluation of Optimal Exposure Indicator for Skull X-ray Imaging using Computed Radiography System. Proceeding in RSU International Research Conference, May 1, 2020. Pathum Thani, Thailand.QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

You did not show the result for the exposure indicator less than 100 for the skull lateral position. Is there any limitation to test this in your experiment?

In order to make a close approximation to the standard x-ray practice, what do you think need to be done to improve your experiement to make a closer approximation to the real human skull?

For second question, this experiment was done by used phantom the result showed the by 2 methods 1st by quantity of exposure and another one by human score. And the conclusion is the suggestion that the radiograph which have exposure indicator about limits can bu used in some case depend on interpreter. You can use this concept to make an optimization on each hospital because each hospital have difference xrays machines, xrays detector and human performance.